

1. Before you read this blog, you be better check with your medical doctor, your friend, your politicians, priest, rabbi, your psychic, or anyone whom you feel smarter than you and see if you can get permission to read this blog.

2. You must know that everything that i say, is all my opinion and they might have millions of people who might disagree with my conclusions. So, if you do anything that i recommend without the supervision of a licensed person, then you bear it all at your own risk.

3. The publisher, comment from blogger, myself, or anybody else involved in presenting this piece of information is for education purpose, selling and sharing only.

4. I am not attempting to cause any injuries or whatever things that is against the law that enables you to file a lawsuit. This is all solely my own adventure, sharing and conclusions.

5. So, only you, and no one else is responsible, if you choose to follow the recommendation based on what you have read in my material.

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